Bond 2024 Community Update
The 2024 Mansfield Independent School District (MISD) Bond is designed to enhance educational facilities and resources in response to the district's growing student population. Key objectives include upgrading and repairing existing schools, constructing new facilities, integrating advanced technology, enhancing safety and security measures, and improving athletic and extracurricular facilities. The bond package aims to ensure that all students have access to a safe, modern, and effective learning environment. Mansfield ISD voters approved a $588.5 million dollar bond package on May 4, 2024, in support of propositions A and B.
Phase I projects are underway.
Proposition A - PASSED
Equip & Renovate School Facilities:
$584.5 million
- Lifecycle Replacements
- Technology Infrastruture
- Safety & Security
- Transportation
- Expand Student Opportunities: Fine Arts
- Expand Student Opportunities: CTE
- Expand Student Opportunities: Athletics
- Early Learners Academy
Lifecycle Replacements
Technology Infrastruture
Safety & Security
Expand Student Opportunities: Fine Arts
Expand Student Opportunities: CTE
Expand Student Opportunities: Athletics
Early Learners Academy
Proposition B - PASSED
Instructional Technology:
$4 million
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Address | 605 E. Broad Street, Mansfield, TX 76063