Center FAQs
What is the purpose of the Mansfield ISD Children’s Center?
Our primary purpose is to provide a high-quality early childhood program for all of our students. The Children's Center recognizes that children learn best through active learning experiences and play. While all aspects of a child's growth follows a pattern, we understand that pattern may not be at the same rate as the next child because each child is a unique individual.
When does the school year begin and end?
The school year begins the first Monday of professional development in August through the the final teacher workday in June. Please see the district calendar for specific dates.
What hours will the center be open?
The Children's Center operates from 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily throughout the regular school term.
What is the cost of child care at the Children’s Center?
Tuition is $42 per day and includes breakfast, lunch, and a PM snack. Tuition without meals is $32 per day and would be the parent's responsibility to pack their student a breakfast, lunch, and PM snack. Tuition fees are based on the number of school days during the academic calendar year, not the number of days a child attends.
What are the guidelines for enrolling my child?
Admission into the program is on a first-come, first-serve basis in conjunction with the date the Waiting List Information Sheet is received. Currently enrolled children will receive first priority for each new school year enrollment period.
Who are the caregivers?
Trained, professional staff will be responsible for the well-being of the students enrolled at The Children's Center. High school students enrolled in child care programs do observe and interact with the children, but only, under the supervision of full-time instructors. High school students are never employed by the center.
How many children will be enrolled in the center?
Full enrollment is 40 children. Preschool (2-3 year of age) maximum class size is 18 children with two teachers. Pre-K (4-5 years of age) maximum class size is 22 children with two teachers. Enrollment is based on the square footage of the two classrooms and the staff/child ratios that are regulated by Texas Day Care Licensing.
What if I have two children that I would like to enroll in the center?
Please add each child to the Waiting List Information Sheet. If you are selected, all eligible children in the family will be enrolled. Tuition is per child.
What if more children apply than there are spaces for?
Children who are not placed for the current school term may stay on the Waiting List for the next available opening for their age group.
What if my child is not potty trained yet?
It is not developmentally appropriate to expect children younger than three years of age to be completely potty trained. That physical requirement is not required until a child is four or five years of age and heading into the pre-kindergarten classroom.