The MISD Council of Parent Teacher Associations (PTA) was formed in May of 1990 to help provide guidance and support to the Local PTA units in the Mansfield Independent School District. When the organization launched, Mansfield ISD had 11 schools and ten PTAs. As the school district began to quickly grow, so was the need for support. We currently have 49 schools and 45 PTAs.
Mansfield ISD is one of the few school districts of its size with a PTA represented on 100% of school campuses. This was not an easy task, but with the support and guidance the MISD Council of PTAs provides, we can say this with PRIDE!!! We are also proud to say we have the support of our MISD Superintendent, Administration Staff, and the Principals at all our local campuses.
NOTE: The MISD Council of PTAs is a 501(c)3 nonpartisan association. As such, we do not endorse any political candidates, but we do appreciate all candidates who are willing to serve the students of our community.
MISD Council has executive board and delegate meetings each school year in which all PTAs are represented by their president and delegates. Executive Board and Delegate Meetings
Executive Board meetings start at 6 p.m. and Delegate meetings start at 7 p.m. All meetings are held in the Dr. Rachel Howell Great Room at the Mansfield ISD Administrative Complex (605 E. Broad Street, Mansfield, TX 76063).
September 9, 2024
November 11, 2024
February 3, 2025
April 7, 2025
The Annual Luncheon and Vendor Fair will be held on May 8, 2025 at the Dr. Jim Vaszauskas Center for the Performing Arts.
The MISD Clothes Closet needs your help. Visit the section below for details. Note: Campus PTA Boards and event calendars can be found on the individual school website.
The MISD Clothes Closet, founded in 2000, provides clothing and school supplies free of charge to Mansfield ISD students.
Hundreds of families are served each year due to the donations we receive. Without community assistance, the Council would not be able to serve as many families as we do.
In addition, the Clothes Closet partners with The World Wear Project (WWP). Their mission is to keep textiles and other recyclable items out of landfills as well as provide local and international communities with jobs and affordable clothing. Items that cannot be used by the MISD Clothes Closet are donated to WWP which pays a per pound price back to The Closet. This money is used to purchase socks and underwear.
Hours | Mondays, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. (closed on school holidays) Location | 1016 Magnolia Street, Suite D Building #600, Mansfield, TX 76063 (portable building in parking lot next to Nash Elementary & R.L. Anderson Stadium)
How does it work?
To gain access, parents must obtain a voucher for each child from their school nurse or counselor. A clothing voucher provides a student with:
Five outfits
Five new pairs of underwear and socks, twice a year
The opportunity to return and shop every three months
A school supply voucher provides a student with a one-time visit for supplies and backpacks.
How can I donate?
Each month, we provide a list of items on our Monthly Wish List that are needed to stock the closet. We accept donations of:
Gently used "school appropriate" clothing (4T-adult)
Coats (4T-adult)
Footwear (4T-adult)
New socks and underwear
School supplies
Campus Clothing Drives - We greatly appreciate campuses conducting their own clothing drives. Please view our monthly wish list for our most needed items. You can also review our How You Can Help? handout for different ideas on how you or your organization can help the Clothes Closet.
How can I volunteer?
The Closet is partially staffed by local PTAs, but independent volunteers are always welcome and appreciated. Do you or someone you know need volunteer hours? We have several evening shifts available for organizing and switching out seasonal clothing. Please contact Curtina Wilson for complete information.