Parents & Students
Below are a list of popular links to resources provided by the district for parents. Can't find something you need? More resources that are applicable to both students and parents can be found on the Student Central webpage.
- After-School Programs
- Anti-Bullying
- Athletic Participation Packet
- Attendance Zones
- Campus Volunteers & Background Checks
- Canvas
- Classroom Instruction
- Communicable Diseases
- District Improvement Plan
- District Translation Procedures
- Procedimiento de traducción del distrito (Spanish)
- إجراءات الترجمة المعمول بھا في المنطقة التعلیمیة (Arabic)
- Thủ tục Dịch thuật tại Học khu (Vietnamese)
- Enrollment & Registration
- Find My Bus (for bus routes and attendance zones)
- Grading Periods
- Guidance & Counseling
- Immunizations
- MISD Online Store
- MISD Tuition-Based Pre-K
- Parent & Family Engagement Policy
- Parent & Student Assessment Portal
- Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
- Policies
- Power of Choice
- Pre-K and Kindergarten Roundup
- Problem-Solving Procedures: Complaints, Grievances, Concerns
- Proof of Residency
- Skyward
- Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
- Student Central
- Student Code of Conduct
- Student Handbook
- Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)
- Student Support (24/7)
- This is Our House (district's safety initiatives)
- Truancy
Family engagement is an integral part of the education process. We want to partner with families and provide them the right resources to support their children's learning and development at home as well. - Dr. Kimberley Cantu, MISD Superintendent