Our Schools

New School Buses Take the Roads

When you’re driving around town, you may have noticed some shiny, new school buses on the roads. Mansfield ISD has received 28 new buses, and drivers are already behind the wheel on routes throughout the district.

MISD bus driver looking in rear view mirror

The buses are a portion of the projected 178 to be purchased in the coming years and were funded by the 2024 bond. They’re replacing vehicles that reached their industry standard end of life and are being retired.

“The new buses come with the latest technology and additional safety features to ensure our students ride safely and comfortably from home to school and back again,” said superintendent Kimberley Cantu. “We’re grateful to our MISD community for passing the bond and making these necessary purchases possible.”

Since 2017, new school buses have been required to have seatbelts, and the new vehicles have a 3-point system similar to passenger cars. They also have an anti-collision braking system that assists drivers in stopping the bus if someone pulls out in front of them or makes a sudden stop. They’re also outfitted with the SmartTag monitoring system that enables real-time monitoring for parents and guardians, the MISD Transportation Department and campus administrators.

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