Our Schools

MISD Transfer Windows for Modes of Instruction
Transfer graphic

Parents/guardians wanting to switch modes of instruction for their child (Virtual Learning Academy to in-person or in-person to the Virtual Learning Academy) have the option to do so during the Texas Education Agency’s designated learning transfer windows.

The next opportunity to submit a transfer request from one mode to the other will be Aug. 24 through Aug. 28. Those interested in transferring must fill out and submit the form here within that time frame. (The form will be available at midnight on Monday, Aug. 24 and close at 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 28.)

Please note that transfers submitted during the noted window will take effect on Monday, Sept. 21, which is the first day of the Second 6 Weeks grading period.

Campus personnel will be reaching out to parents to inform them of their child’s schedule changes once those changes are completed.

View this calendar to see all the transfer windows and grading periods for the 2020-21 school year.

It is highly encouraged that students commit to a learning option for one semester to ensure continuity of teacher and schedule.

About In-Person Learning:

The district is working extremely hard to ensure that the proper social distancing and safety protocols are in place for in-person instruction, which begins on Tuesday, Sept. 8. Teachers and staff will be trained over the next two weeks, and campuses will spend the first few days of in-person instruction training students on the district’s safety measures.

Although in-person class sizes are smaller than Virtual Learning Academy classes by design, in-person class sizes will not be drastically smaller than what students are used to seeing in the past. However, the largest classes will be moved to an alternative setting when available.

The master schedule and staffing model will be adjusted in accordance to student movement, and the district will do everything possible to create a safe and secure learning environment for all our students and teachers.

Visit the Fall 2020 Reopening Web Page

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