Our Schools

Mansfield ISD School Board President Resigns
Courtney Lackey Wilson headshot

Board President Courtney Lackey Wilson tendered her resignation at the called board meeting on July 1. She has served on the Mansfield ISD School Board since 2011 and said she made the tough decision to resign due to personal and health reasons.

“Please know I am so honored to get to serve our MISD community and that this is extremely hard for me. I do hope that this season will pass quickly and also hope that I will have the opportunity to serve again,” said Lackey Wilson. “I am and will forever be the district’s biggest fan and will always be at your service where I am available.”

The board accepted the resignation and elected new board officers. Michelle Newsom is the new school board president. Desiree Thomas is the new board vice president, and Randall Canedy is now the board secretary.

Trustees also voiced their appreciation to Lackey Wilson for her service to the MISD students, families, staff and community.

“We would first like to send a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to Courtney Lackey Wilson for her dedication and selfless service to the Mansfield ISD community,” said Newsom. “We will continue praying for her and keeping her in our thoughts. We wish her and her family all the best.”

No decision has been made about who will fill the now vacant Place 7 seat. The remaining trustees said they will take some time to thoroughly assess and evaluate how the seat would best be filled. The community will be updated about a decision at the next school board meeting.


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