Our Schools

Circle of Excellence
Mansfield ISD Circle of Excellence


The Circle of Excellence is a recognition award for Mansfield ISD employees who demonstrate exceptional dedication and commitment to their roles and putting students first. This honor is determined through a community-wide voting process, where members of the Mansfield ISD community can nominate those individuals who consistently go above and beyond in their daily efforts. 

 Voting links are conveniently distributed via text, email, and social media. The winners are celebrated for their hard work and determination, receiving not only recognition but also recognition from Dr. Cantu and the School Board, but also a generous donation from our community partner, EECU. This initiative fosters a culture of appreciation and motivation, reminding us of all the incredible impact that dedicated individuals can have on our students.  

The Fall 2024 winners are Jennifer Foster from Jandrucko Early Learners Academy, Deborah Bell from Summit High School, and Lavona Hopkins from Erma Nash Elementary.  

Jennifer Foster has been instrumental in guiding and creating the curriculum for Jandrucko Early Learners Academy. She took the initiative to ensure that all staff were well-prepared and trained, and she continually works to improve the campus environment to enhance the learning experience.  

Deborah Bell played a pivotal role in establishing the Summit High School Food Pantry, putting the needs of her students first to ensure their success. She has worked alongside students, staff, volunteers, and the broader school community to ensure that every student has access to the resources they need. 

 Lavona Hopkins is known for arriving early each day at Erma Nash Elementary to make sure students have breakfast and are ready for a successful day. She takes personal responsibility for the safety and well-being of her students, from ensuring they arrive and depart safely to building their confidence and helping them feel loved and supported.  

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