The board held a public hearing on the 2024 – 2025 budget and adopted the General, Student Nutrition, and Debt Service Fund budgets.
The approved budget includes a 3 percent mid-point raise and increases the district's contribution towards employee health care coverage from $250 to $350 per month to help offset the 9.5% increase in TRS Active Care.
“In a time where many districts are being forced to cut staff, we are proud to be able to give our employees a raise thanks to the foresight and continuous hard work and dedication of our business office,” said Board President Keziah Valdes Farrar. “We also set our new teacher’s starting salary at $64,700, one of the highest in the metroplex. This allows us to continue to recruit and retain the best teachers.”
Since it is calculated from 3% of the midpoint, the raise amount will be the same regardless of years of service.
For teachers on a 187 day contract, the raise amounts are:
$2,081 - Bachelor's Degree
$2,131 - Master's Degree
$2,182 - Doctorate
Employees participating in TRS Active Care will receive an additional $100 a month towards their premium.
This budget meets the Board’s goal of allowing the district’s fund balance to maintain the equivalent of three months of expenditures, which is similar to a “Rainy Day Fund.” It also keeps student meal prices the same for the upcoming school year and supports the district’s Vision 2030. The Maintenance and Operations and Interest and Sinking fund tax rates will be adopted in August after the July certified property values are received.