Policies & Procedures
The MISD Technology Department is dedicated to serving the needs of it students and staff.

In doing so, policies and procedures have been put in place to protect our constituents and comply with certain laws and regulations. All students and parents are asked to become familiar with our policies governing student use of technology equipment.
The Student & Family Device Usage Handbook is intended to provide important information and guidelines to support and guide the effective and responsible use of tools provided to enhance the learning of our students. The procedures and information within this handbook apply to all student devices at Mansfield ISD schools and facilities during and outside of school hours. Teachers may set additional requirements for use in their classrooms.
- Manual de uso de dispositivos para estudiantes y familias
- Student Responsible Use Policy (RUP) [see Page 53]
- Política de uso responsable del estudiante (RUP) [ver página 53]