Employee Docs & Forms
Documents & Forms
- Basic Staffing Allocations
- Compensation Manuals
- Complaints, Grievances & Concerns (Title IX Complaints)
- District Appraisals Deadlines
- Employee Policies
- Employee Records Request
- Employee Request for Accommodations
- Employment Verification
- Job Descriptions
- Paraprofessional Developmental Leave
- Report of Salary Discrepancy
- Student Loan Forgiveness
- Skyward Employee Access Instructions - Instructions for how to access and update employee information, obtain payroll information, view salary information and download employee letters and contracts.
- NOTE: Name change requests cannot be processed without an updated social security card. Please bring your new social security card to Human Resources. Copies cannot be accepted.
Employee Handbooks
- Administrative Handbook
- Auxiliary Handbook
- Custodial Employee Handbook
- Maintenance Employee Handbook
- Professional & Paraprofessional Staff Handbook
- QUEST Staff Handbook (Site Supervisor Version)
- Student Nutrition Employee Handbook
- Technology Employee Handbook
- Transportation Handbook (Substitute Version) (Athletic) (Shop)