Our Schools


Tennage girl posing with trumboneIntermediate School

MISD students have the opportunity to join band in the 6th grade. Students are enrolled in classes based on their instrument selection at the end of 5th grade and/or beginning of 6th grade. Students will learn the basic fundamentals of posture, hand position, proper breathing and individual performance skills. Students are enrolled in homogeneous groupings of instruments and will come together at the end of the year with all 6th grade band students for an end-of-the-year spring concert.

Middle School

While continuing to strengthen fundamental skills, middle school students expand their knowledge of music through participation in TMEA All-Region Auditions, Solo & Ensemble and the UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Evaluation. Students audition and are placed in ability level groups such as; varsity, non-varisty, and sub non-varisty ensembles. The band will perform in several events throughout the year, such as; pep rallies, football games, winter and spring concerts and various festivals.

High School

Band Websites: Mansfield HS Band  | Summit HS Band  | Timberview HS Band  | Legacy HS Band  | Lake Ridge HS Band

High school band provides the students with their introduction to the marching program. The high school marching bands rehearse outside the school day during the first semester and perform at all football games, invitational marching competitions, and UIL marching contest.

During the second semester the bands present several concerts, participate in TMEA auditions, compete in solo/ensemble events, and perform at UIL concert and sight reading competition. Additionally, each high school band member is given the opportunity to participate in an overnight trip every year.

Jazz band is offered as an after school program at the high school level. Students are auditioned for placement in this group, and they perform several concerts and compete in a variety of festivals.

Lettering Policy for MISD Band Students
MISD Booster Club Guidelines

Are you a vocalist, accompanist or choreographer? Want to join our team? Fill out a Contracted Services Clinician Packet.

"I would teach children music, physics, and philosophy; but most importantly music, for in the patterns of music and all the arts are the keys of learning." - Plato