After-Hours Issues
The Mansfield ISD Facilities Department is dedicated to providing immediate service in the event of a true emergency. Sites are expected to do all they can to help themselves whenever possible.
The after-hours emergency number (817-299-6000) is manned by district personnel 24 hours per day.
Examples of situations that constitute an emergency are:
- Broken water lines
- Fire or smoke in the building
- No heat in sub-freezing weather
- Broken exterior windows or doors
Examples of some things that are not an emergency are:
- No air conditioning for events that are not school related
- Graffiti
- Broken locks on interior doors
- Missing irrigation heads (irrigation only runs for a few minutes, then shuts off automatically)
- Alarm systems that will not rest (both fire and security) should be reported to the MISD Police Department at 817-299-6000. The MISD Police Department maintains, fire alarms, security alarms, and security cameras.
Heating & Air Conditioning Needs
MISD is committed to providing climate control to all district buildings during regular school hours. At the end of the school day, all computer-controlled systems (heat, A/C, lights, etc) revert to an unoccupied mode in order to conserve energy and keep our utilities costs as low as possible.
If a site has a school related event after-hours, they will need to submit an Event Notification form to assure that necessary environmental controls are activated. All facilities are encouraged to use the WebEvent or SchoolDude Scheduler and should see designated campus personnel for assistance. All events require a minimum of 72 hours prior notice. Scheduling after hours (before 7 a.m.; after 4:00 p.m.) will require payment of related overtime expense not to exceed $50 per occurrence.
Any public group that desires to use an MISD facility must contact the building Principal for preliminary approval AND obtain final approval by the Facilities Department. The principal will complete an event notification form and submit it to the facilities office at least 72 hours in advance. Air conditioning will not be provided without an approved event notification.
Facilities Rental Fees