Our Schools

Custodial Operations

Man holding %22We Are Hiring%22 stickie note

We are hiring! Mansfield ISD has several vacancies open in custodial operations. In addition to full time work, we are also offering part-time positions in the evenings for individuals 17 years of age and older. To apply, please visit the Apply With MISD webpage or contact us directly at 817-299-4351.

Each school site has its own custodial staff. The number of custodial workers at each site is determined by a formula that takes into consideration the size of the building and cleaning density. The district maintains a staff of approximately 319 custodians in order to maintain the districts 6.3 million square feet of space. Night supervisors oversee evening custodial operations at all sites.

A typical cleaning schedule is as follows:

  • Offices are cleaned daily
  • Common areas and restrooms are cleaned and supplied daily
  • Trash is emptied every day
  • Corridors are buffed, stripped, and refinished as needed
  • Floor finishing and carpet cleaning is done on an as needed basis

Additional custodial time for special events and weekend activities may be provided to sites upon request. Groups and organizations will be charged for after hours custodial support. 

If sites have questions concerning custodial services, they should contact the Assistant Director of Custodial Operations at 817-299-4351.

Custodial Shut Down Checklist - en Español