America’s high schools have a profound responsibility to ensure our nation’s 16 million high school students are college-ready, career-ready and life-ready. Standardized test scores, traditionally used as the primary readiness indicator, do not always provide an accurate representation of our students’ potential. Like the American economy, today’s students are driven by ideas and innovations. They create their present and shape their futures by developing talents not measured by test scores.
To guide and acknowledge our students’ talents, Mansfield ISD field-tested the concept of a student scorecard in 2018. The scorecards communicated to students age-appropriate opportunities to become life-ready, college-ready and career-ready.
Student Scorecards
In fall 2021, K-12 grade-level scorecards were introduced. In 2022, we implemented them in an even more robust way. At each grade level, opportunities are presented that help to prepare students for life, college and career readiness. Mansfield ISD students create their futures through teacher-directed and counselor-directed support, as well as self-paced learning via technology.
- High school students access scorecards through an online app called Edugence. The scorecards appear as two concentric circles that close as they complete readiness indicators.
- Grade 3-8 students access scorecards through an online app called Xello. As they complete activities, the scorecards indicate completion with green checkmarks.
- Grade K-2 students enter Xello’s Career Town, an online cartoon world that allows them to explore different career settings (for example, hospital, art gallery, farm, pet grooming shop, construction site and park). As students finish exploration activities online, they earn completion badges.
We encourage parents to work together with their child to review the online scorecards and help identify the next best opportunity to becoming life-ready, college-ready and career-ready.
K-4 STUDENT SCORECARD 5-6 Student Scorecard7-8 Student Scorecard 9-12 STUDENT SCORECARD
Scorecard Explanation Videos
Student Scorecard Explained (Students)
Students, do you ever wonder if you know everything you need to know for life after high school? Don't worry. Mansfield ISD has created a Vision 2030 student scorecard to help keep you on track and prepare you to become college, career and life ready.
Student Scorecard Explained (Parents)
Parents, do find yourselves overwhelmed by all of the stuff regarding life skills and readiness for your student? Mansfield ISD's goal is to equip you with the information needed to prepare your child to become college, career and life ready.