Identifying GT Students
It is the goal of Mansfield ISD GT Identification Process to follow the TEA definition of a Gifted/Talented student, which states: “A gifted/talented student is a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who exhibits high performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area; possesses an unusual capacity for leadership; or excels in a specific academic field” (Texas Education Code §29.121). Professionals trained in gifted education will provide planned, consistent, equitable programming, so that each identified gifted and talented (GT) student is given the opportunity to reach his or her maximum potential.
All second grade students will be automatically screened within the first semester of school. Screening will be based on input from teachers, parents, and testing/assessment data. Those who identify as having a gifted learning need will be served by their current highly trained teacher. (All 2nd grade teachers have their GT Education training).
Testing and identification of referred students in K, 1, 3-6 begins in the second semester testing window, with services for identified students to begin immediately upon receipt of the Acceptance of Service form from parents. Referrals accepted year-round.
Testing and identification of secondary (7th-12th) students will be conducted once per semester on a referral basis. Referrals accepted year-round.
According to MISD Board Policy EHBB (Local), criteria shall be specific to the state definition of gifted and talented and shall ensure the fair assessment of students with special needs, such as the culturally different, the economically disadvantaged, and students with learning or physical disabilities.
The GT Identification Process
Parents contact the campus GT Specialist for a GT Referral Form and complete this form online which includes a survey of observed academic behaviors outside of school. The GT Specialist enrolls the student in the next testing window.
Teachers of the referred student receive a survey form of observed academic behaviors at school.
The student takes an online cognitive assessment at school, during the school day. The results are reported to the campus GT Specialist.
The campus GT Review Committee, (consisting of highly trained GT staff), reviews all data presented including the cognitive assessment scores, parent and teacher surveys to determine if a gifted learning need has been identified.
An ‘Identified for Services’ or ‘Not Identified for Services’ letter is sent home to parents explaining the results of the identification process and assessments. If identified, services begin immediately. Identification for program services may result in a schedule change.
Download a printable version of the GT Identification Process.