Our Schools

Parents & Students

Student Selection
AVID targets students in the academic middle who have the potential to succeed in advanced courses, particularly:

  • First Generation College Students
  • Economically Disadvantaged Students
  • Students from groups underrepresented in higher education
  • Students with special circumstances

The selection process is as follows:

  • Students are recommended to the program by a teacher, counselor, parent or themselves
  • Interested students complete the application process and are interviewed
  • The AVID site team (composed of an administrator, counselor, AVID site coordinator, and teachers) selects students to enroll on their campus

AVID Student Expectations

  1. Students must enroll in the AVID elective course which is taught during the school day.
  2. A contract is signed by the middle or high school student, parent, AVID Coordinator, AVID Administrator
  3. Students in AVID must commit to taking college-prep courses, including honors and Advanced Placement.
  4. Students must pursue participation in extracurricular activities and community service.
  5. Students must maintain an AVID binder with an agenda.
  6. Students must have a daily dedicated time for homework, studying and working on projects.

A Week in AVID

  • Monday - AVID Curriculum
  • Tuesday - Tutorials
  • Wednesday - AVID Curriculum
  • Thursday - Tutorials
  • Friday - Guest Speakers, Team Building, Socratic Seminars, Field Trip

AVID Curriculum

  • Writing - Students receive instruction in writing to learn strategies, the writing process and timed writing
  • College & Careers - Investigation of colleges, college majors and career choices
  • Strategies for Success - Time management, organizational and study skills.

AVID Tutorials

  • Collaborative Study Groups- Facilitated by college students
  • 10-step Tutorial Process based on Socratic Method - Use of inquiry to guide student learning

MISD AVID Student Testimonials

AVID has...

“helped me become a more organized and responsible person. Before joining, I always had all of my papers thrown everywhere. But now everything is in one place where I can find it. AVID has also helped me become more social. I was never a talkative person (and I’m still not) but AVID is a place where I can freely express my thoughts, like a safe haven.” - 10th grade student

“opened my eyes to another option after high school that can make my life a million times better.”- 9th grade student

“impacted my life by making me more organized in school. I haven’t even thought about college before AVID, but now I have thought about my whole life through college graduation and a few years after that.”- 8th grade student

“improved my organization a lot. I have an organized binder, so when my teacher tells me to pull out something, I can easily find it. It has also helped improve my grades with tutorials. It gets a lot of my homework questions answered and I understand my homework better.”- 7th grade student