Our Schools

Advanced Academics

Advanced Academics logoThe goal of Mansfield ISD’s Advanced Academics program is to provide educational opportunities so that each student has the prospect of reaching his/her maximum potential culminating in college readiness.

Our department encompasses the following services:

  • Gifted and Talented (GT) (Gifted 101 from the NAGC)
  • Advanced and Advanced Placement Courses
  • Credit by Exam
  • College Testing Review Sessions (SAT/PSAT/ACT)
  • Dual Credit
  • Texas College Bridge
  • AVID

Want to provide feedback on our current curriculum? Fill out the Curriculum Feedback Form.

Get In Touch

Theresa Pollok, Director of Advanced Academics
Address | 1016 Magnolia Street, Mansfield, TX 76063
Phone | 817-299-4388
Our Staff