Media Relations
Mansfield ISD is committed to working cooperatively with the news media. It is the role of the Communications Department to assist campuses in contacting the media, preparing for an on-site visit, and responding to media inquiries.
The contact information for the Communications Department is or 817-299-6345.
Please note: public information requests are handled by the Public Information Office. Find out how to submit a public information request here.
All media inquiries should be directed to the Communications Department. Exceptions include routine athletic and/or extracurricular activity news coverage during games and/or performances conducted outside the normal school day.
The Communications Department should be contacted when a representative of the media requests to visit a campus or arrives at a campus without prior approval. If a member of the media is on the premises without prior approval, he or she should be asked to leave and directed to the MISD Administration Complex, located at 605 E. Broad Street.
Student privacy laws are strictly enforced. The guidelines for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) are detailed here.
Prior to any media visit, appropriate time must be given to district administrators to verify student privacy preferences and provide appropriate notification to the campus and building administrators. Taking photographs, audio, or video is at the discretion of the Assistant Superintendent of Communications & Marketing or an appropriate designee.