Our Schools

Student Eligibility Information

Student Athlete Participation

Any student meeting the MISD and University Interscholastic League (UIL) residential and eligibility requirements may compete for a position on any athletic team.

Dual Participation

All athletes participating in MISD Athletics make a commitment to the team, their teammates and their school. Each program demands the dedication of time and energy of the athlete. Part of this commitment is to be a student first and strive for academic excellence. Another integral part of that commitment is to place the MISD Athletic team above participation in any non-school sanctioned activity and attend all practices and games scheduled by MISD Coaches.

If an athlete chooses to miss an MISD Athletic practice or event because of participation in an activity not under the auspices of MISD, the student athlete will be suspended for one game. On the second offense, the athlete has chosen the outside activity over an MISD sport, and he/she will be released from the team.

Academic Eligibility

Athletes must meet all UIL (University Interscholastic League), TEA and all MISD requirements.

MISD Team Selection/Playing Time Policy

Any team placement, position placement, style of play, and/or playing time is the sole discretion of the coach and may not be appealed. For all rules/regulations, please review the UIL Parent Information Manual.