2017 Bond Election Recap
Mansfield ISD voters resoundingly passed a $275 million bond in May 2017. The bond package addressed district growth, equity, safety and aging infrastructure across the district.
Community Input on 2017 Bond Development
Development of the 2017 bond package involved an almost two-year, in-depth process of information gathering, research and community input. The district completed a demographic report, a district-wide facilities assessment, educational visioning and campus and department staff interviews.
In July 2016, the Facilities & Growth Planning Committee (FGPC) was formed. The FGPC, comprised of parents, community members and MISD staff members, met for seven months to study and prioritize the district’s current and long-term facility needs. The committee made its recommendation to the Board of Trustees in January 2017; the bond election was officially called in February 2017; and residents approved the referendum with more than 65 percent voting in favor of the proposition. More than 7,700 votes were cast in the 2017 election.
The bond package addressed district growth, equity, safety and aging infrastructure across the district.
For status, completion dates and budget implications for each project associated with the 2017 bond, visit the Bond Overview page.
The bond election addressed facility needs for our students in four main areas: student growth, equity and student experience, safety and security and infrastructure improvement.
For more information on each facility, including photos, visit the Project Overview page.
Driven by Vision 2020, the 2017 bond impacts every campus and every current and future student.- MISD Facilities & Growth Planning Committee